Monday, 26 September 2016

Wardrobe Realisation

Today I decided it was about time I tidied my wardrobe. For months now I've been shoehorning my hangers in and just putting freshly washed garments back on new hangers. I also made a pledge that for every item I buy, I send one or two to charity, so after a 3 dress eBay splurge, it was time to sort through the masses. Boy was I surprised at what I found!! My tiny little 1 metre wide wardrobe was so full that I found items I forgot I had! Every time I go charity shop shopping or eBay browsing I think to myself 'I haven't got that many vintage items, one more can't hurt!' But today I realised just how many I did have! The problem I have is that I can't bear to part with any of them, so the newer, high street items, got the chop. As I've probably mentioned before I am a terrible hoarder and because of this I get attached to items that I love but can no longer fit into, so dear readers I was faced with a dilemma! I had this lovely shirt dress - not vintage, more supermarket - that I wore to death around 6/7 years ago. It is made out of this lovely flowery print Lycra & cotton mix and at the time it fit like a glove. Fast forward to now and the only bit I can fit into is the neck hole, so after years of shoving it back into the wardrobe in the vain hope is ever wear it again, I put it in the bag. I feel a small victory about this as in my heart of hearts, I know I will never fit into it again no matter how much I love it. So after being more ruthless than I've ever been before and one nearly full charity bag later, the shoehorning is only mildly easier! With this in mind, I'm still thinking of those gorgeous vintage wedding dresses I saw the other day........